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Laser-Assisted Cleaving

Four-to-six-week turnaround time for laser cleaved silicon devices

In collaboration with INO, CMC has developed a technique for laser-assisted cleaving of SOI devices and is offering this service to researchers.

Close up of laser cleaving


  • The estimated turnaround time for this service is four to six weeks.
  • Processing takes place at INO.
  • Laser is used to trigger the location of cleaving.
  • The cleaving is done with an accuracy of +/-15 µm.
  • The technique provides good facet quality for end-fire coupling.
  • Thin Silicon layers are accepted (up to 5 µm).
  • For chip dimensions, see Guidelines for Laser Assisted Cleaving.
  • We recommend alignment marks on chips to indicate where the cleaving is needed.


  • Intended for use with Silicon photonics and other Silicon-based chips
  • Cleaving along vertical plane of the waveguide
  • Singulation of specific area of a chip


Contact pricing@cmc.ca for a quote.

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