
Options for Canadian Post-secondary Institutions
For professors / research supervisors and their research team
per year -
Access CAD/FAB/LAB products and services for research in microsystems, nanotechnology, quantum computing, and IoT and Edge AI.
Unlimited use of Cadence, Siemens, Synopsys, and Xilinx.
Other CAD tools limited to five concurrent user instances. Additional packages can be purchased: contact
Access to cloud-based and high-performance computing resources, technical support and training materials.
Subscriber pricing on over 20 FAB service options and training courses.
Education / Classroom
For all professors / instructors at the institution
per year -
CAD access for classroom.
Unlimited classroom/course use for Cadence, COMSOL, Keysight PathWave, Siemens, Synopsys, and Xilinx.
Licenses provided based on student enrollment per course.
Unlimited number of courses within subscription period.
Research Plus
For all professors / research supervisors at the institution
per year -
CAD access for classroom + unlimited CAD usage for professors and research supervisors with valid Research Subscription at your institution.
Unlimited classroom/course use for Cadence, COMSOL, Keysight PathWave, Siemens, Synopsys, and Xilinx.
Licenses provided based on student enrollment per course.
Unlimited number of courses within subscription period.
Unlimited access to all CAD Tools for microsystems and nanotechnology research.
Are you an early career researcher?
Early career researchers can receive 50% off their first Research Subscription.
Click here to learn more about CMC’s support for early-stage research.