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CMC Cloud Design Environment

CMC cloud provides secure, high-performance, remotely accessible EDA resources for the design of advanced microsystems and nanotechnologies.

What You Get

  • Secure Design Environment: When using CMC cloud, you have a robust and supported design environment that is securely delivered over an internet connection.
  • Available on-demand with zero configuration: Design and development resources are all installed, configured and ready to use.
  • Hosted in Canada: Unlike many cloud providers, CMC cloud is hosted entirely in Canada with the protection of CMC researcher’s information as a top priority.
  • The distributed revision control system is available to all subscribers: This system is a Git-based solution for managing project files for an individual or group using CMC credentials. For more information, see Quick Start Guide: Using the Revision Control System in CMC cloud.

Don’t have a subscription – free trial for Canadian Academics 

The Trial Access allows you to quickly access CadenceMentor and Synopsys CAD tools supported in CMC cloud without any commitment. 

Contact to start your free trial using the CMC cloud. 

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