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Science Foundry Poly MEMS Multi-User MEMS Process Technology

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CMC’s multi-project wafer service delivers the MEMS technology, through a partnership with Science Foundry.

The Poly MEMS technology is a triple polysilicon, single metal surface micromachining process with deposited oxide (PSG) as the sacrificial material, and silicon nitride for electrical isolation from the substrate. CMC also offers optional HF release and supercritical carbon dioxide drying.

Process Details

  • 3-layer polysilicon surface micromachining with minimum feature size down to 2 μm
  • 1 gold layer deposited on top polysilicon layer for wiring and contact pads
  • 2 sacrificial layers to release the top 2 polysilicon structural layers.

Note: The expected number of chips to be delivered for this technology is 15.


Potential applications include:

  • Acoustics
  • Sensors and actuators
  • Micromirrors
  • Micro-assembly


  • Surface MEMS
  • Three structure layers

Design Kits and Libraries


List Price
Price for Subscribers

(per 4.75 mm x 4.75 mm design)

(per 10 mm x 10 mm design)

Note: List pricing is in US funds and does not include engineering support. Contact fab@cmc.ca for a quote.

Note: Discounted pricing is available to academics in Canada with a CMC Subscription. You must sign in to see it.


Minimum Access Requirement

For Canadian Academics

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FABrIC Challenges

Stimulating innovation in semiconductor fabrication processes for product development

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