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Quick Start Guide: Generating Sine Waves on Fluke 294

This guide is intended to be used to help researchers become familiar with the Fluke 294 quickly by generating four 20 MHz sine waves with a phase difference of 0, 90, 180, and 270 degrees and an amplitude of 3 Vpp. It assumes the user has the machine in front of them, and the first button pushed is often labelled on the front panel, followed by a soft-key or other adjustment. In this guide, operating steps use the following conventions:

  • Buttons on the front panel are in Courier font.
  • Soft-key buttons are in Comic Sans MS Italic.
  • Values to select are in Bold.

Refer to Figure 1 for more details.

Figure 1: Fluke 294 Front Panel

Follow these steps to generate sine waves:

  1. Turn on the Fluke 294.
    You may notice an error 186, this will disappear or reset the machine.
  2. Set the master/slave relationship:
    CH1 | INTER CH | mode | master/freq
    CH1 | INTER CH | status | on
    CH2 | INTER CH | mode | slave
    CH2 | INTER CH | phase | use the cursor keys and dial to change to 90 degrees
    CH2 | INTER CH | status | on
  3. Repeat the channel 2 instructions for Channels 3 and 4, but make the phase for channels 3 and 4 180 and 270 degrees.
  4. Check your work by selecting
    INTER CH | view
    You’ll notice that CH 1 is the Master. It is set to ‘F’ for master/freq setting and channels 2, 3 and 4 are set to slave.
  5. Set the mode:
    CH1 | mode | continuous
  6. Repeat for channels 2, 3 and 4.
  7. Set the frequency:
    CH1 | FREQ | use the keypad to enter 20000000 for 20MHz and select ENTER.
    Note: If you select other channels, you will see the message Tracking master chan.
  8. Set the waveform to sine:
    CH1 | STD | sine
  9. Repeat for channels 2, 3 and 4.
  10. Set the amplitude to 3.00 Vpp
    CH1 | AMPL | use the keypad to enter 3.00Vpp and select ENTER.
  11. Repeat for each channel.
  12. Ensure the offset is set to zero, and output load to high-impedance:
    CH 1 | OFFSET 0mVdc, 0mVdc, and load hiZo
  13. Repeat for each channel.
  14. Set the output filter:
    CH1 | FILTER | mode | auto
    CH1 | FILTER | TYPE | 40 MHz elliptic
  15. Set for each channel.
  16. Check the overall configuration:
    STATUS | CH1
    Output should read:
    FCN SINE | std
    FRQ 20 MHz
    AMP 3 Vpp | cont
    OFS 0mVdc | elip
  17. Check for each channel.
  18. Check the Master/slave relationship again and correct any automatic changes by the instrument:
    INTER CH | view
    CH 1 must be set to F for master/freq, and CH 2/3/4 set to slave marked by a box. Each channel must have status set to ON.
  19. Connect BNC probes from the Fluke 294’s output channels to an oscilloscope.
  20. Press CHANNEL 1 /2 /3 /4 to turn on the outputs (the LED will glow red for each one).
  21. Check the phase of the signals on the scope.
  22. If the phases are not what’s expected, return to the menu INTER CH for each channel and use the arrow keys and dial to adjust the phase.
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