
Siemens Calibre: Resolution Enhancement Technology (RET) Tools

This support note refers to the Optical Proximity Correction (OPC) module: How to start this module, and where to find help and examples for it. It briefly summarizes the steps to start the module. These steps apply to all the modules in the RET Flow Tool. The release shown in this document is the 2024.3 version.

How to Start the Resolution Enhancement Tools 

Step 1: Open Siemens Calibre WORKbench from the CMC Microsystems STC disk at your home university, or in one of our virtual VCAD Linux accounts. For more information about these accounts, please see our Cloud Design Environment webpage.

To begin, source a *.csh script file found under /CMC/scripts to declare the environment PATH and licence location for Calibre. Figure 1 shows how this is done inside a Linux terminal. Once you have done this, enter the following at a terminal prompt: calibrewb

Figure 1. Starting Calibre WORKbench from a Linux Terminal

Step 2: In WORKbench, open the window RET Flow Tool.

From the main menu, select Mask SynthesisRET Flow Tool 2.0… (or RET Flow Tool…), as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Opening the Resolution Enhancement Flow Window from within Calibre WORKbench

Step 3: Open a New RET Flow stream.

From the main menu, select File | New RET Flow…, as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Open a New Stream from the RET Flow Tool Window

Step 4: Right-click on the box Untitled_Flow0 and add a new session, as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Starting a New Flow in the RET Flow Tool Window

Where to Find Examples and Help for the Resolution Enhancement Tools

To find help and examples for the RET tools, look for the Calibre How-To Video Series, hosted on an external site. The videos can be found under the Help menu, as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Contents of the Pull-down Help Menu in Calibre WORKbench
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