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Rohde and Schwarz ZNB20 Vector Network Analyzer

The Rohde and Schwarz ZNB20 is a 2-port Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) with a measurement range of 100 kHz to 20 GHz. Using this instrument, you can perform a wide range of tests, including reflection parameter measurements and network modelling, involving bare die to complete subsystems.


  • Frequency range from 100 kHz to 20 GHz
  • Two (2) ports
  • Wide dynamic range of up to 140 dB
  • Short sweep times of 4 milliseconds for 401 points
  • High-temperature stability of typ. 0.01 dB/°C
  • Touchscreen user interface
  • The unit’s software supports common calibration types


  • Reflection, or S-parameter measurements
  • De-embedding measurements for packaged parts or those soldered on printed circuit boards
  • Time-domain reflection measurements on components, cables or network elements
  • Frequency conversion analysis of mixers and amplifiers

What’s Included

  • The ZNB20 Vector Network Analyzer
  • An Electronic Calibration kit including torque wrench and software
  • Two Gore RF cables with 3.5 mm connectors


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