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Keysight B2902A Precision Source Measurement Unit

The Keysight B2902A is a two-channel SMU capable of performing precise IV measurements and acting as an arbitrary waveform generator. The GUI offers four views: single channel, dual channel, graph, and roll (I-t or V-t curves). The B2902A supports four-quadrant measurements and standard built-in sweep procedures (linear, logarithmic, single and double sweep functions) DC or pulsed.


  • ±6 V @ ±3.03 A, ±21 V @ ±1.515 A, and ±210 V @ ±105 mA maximum DC sourcing capabilities
  • Additional maximum current sourcing of ±10.5 A when pulsed
  • Maximum current and voltage measurement resolutions of 100 fA and 100 nV respectively
  • 2 channels


  • Testing semiconductors, discrete and passive components
  • Any precise IV source and measurement application

What’s Included

  • Keysight B2902A
  • USB cable
  • Reference sheets


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