
Training: RFPro for EM Simulation in PathWave Virtuoso

November 21 and 22, 2022. Online.

Keysight-RFPro is a trusted RF and microwave design and EM simulation tool that offers the 3D EM simulation interface integrated with ADS and Virtuoso environments for RF/Microwave circuit designers to easily run interactive EM-circuit co-simulation for tuning and optimization.

CMC Microsystems invites you to join our training on RFPro for EM simulation using ADS in the Virtuoso environment.


A participant must meet the following requirements:

  • Has familiarity with basic RF and microwave concepts and the Cadence environment.
  • Has an account with CMC.
  • The participant (or the participant’s supervisor) must have a subscription with CMC.

You Will Learn 

  • How to launch an EM simulation using RFPro
  • How to use RFPro EM model data in a circuit simulation
  • How to partition the design and split it between the circuit-level components and the parts sent to the EM solver
  • How to easily select and extract the nets you wish to analyze
  • How to combine various technologies used in RF modules in order to analyze On- and Off-Chip Impairments


The training will be four hours per day on both days. A detailed schedule will be available soon.

Detailed Course Agenda

The online course combines lecture presentations with instructor-guided hands-on sessions:

  • Overview of Momentum and FEM solvers
  • RFPro Options and User Interface
  • Nets Types and Components Roles: Combining Layout with Circuit Level components
  • Virtual Pins and Port definitions
  • RFPro Full and User-Defined EM Simulations
  • Circuit Role Guidelines
  • RFPro EM-Circuit Co-Simulation
  • Smart Mount: combining multiple technologies

Check out these ADS RFPro links for more information:

Course Access

The course will be on CMC’s cloud server, and access instructions will be provided prior to the course start date.

Price and Registration

Note: The deadline for registration is November 14, 2022. The training date is subject to change if there is not enough registration—likely to be postponed to January 2023.

RegistrantFull PackageRegistration



Course cancellations must be received in writing at least one (1) week before the beginning date of the course in question to receive a full refund of the registration fee. A cancellation made after the deadline will not receive a refund. CMC Microsystems makes no commitments on refunds for travel or accommodations. 

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