CoventorMP MEMS Design Platform

CoventorMP (MEMS+ and CoventorWare) provides 3D MEMS simulation, analysis, and design automation software for the development of micro- and nano-scale devices and systems. These modules cover the full MEMS design flow for system-level simulation, layout generation, and finite element analysis (FEA) and model generators for IC simulators. The list includes:

  • CoventorWare Designer for MEMS physical design, including process layout and solid modelling
  • CoventorWare Analyzer for preprocessing, field solving and visualizing results
  • MEMS+ Simulator for reduced-order model extraction
  • MEMS+ Innovator for assembling a MEMS device using 3D parametric components
  • MEMS+ Scene3D for looking at MEMS+ Simulator, MATLAB/Simulink, or Cadence’s Virtuoso results in 3D
  • 2D Layout Editor was introduced in 2018

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