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TSMC 28 nm CMOS Process Technology (HPC+RF)

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CMC offers access to the TSMC 28nm high performance CMOS logic technology. This technology is well suited for design of high-performance computing and RF systems. The technology offers advantages of high speed, low power consumption and lower leakage current.

To access this technology, please contact fab@cmc.ca.

The process flavor supported by CMC is High K Metal gate (HKMG) technology configured for 0.9V (Core)/1.8V (I/O) operation. This technology is suitable for:

  • High-speed digital circuits
  • Low power circuits
  • RF/mixed-signal designs


Potential applications include:

  • Processor design
  • Consumer electronics
  • IoT


  • 0.9 V (core)/1.8 V (I/O)
  • 1P9M (1P9M_6x1z1u)
  • High K – Metal gate

Design Kits and Libraries

  • Standard cell


List Price
Price for Subscribers

Note: List pricing is in US funds and does not include engineering support. Contact fab@cmc.ca for a quote.

Note: Discounted pricing is available to academics in Canada with a CMC Subscription. You must sign in to see it.


Contact licensing@cmc.ca.

Minimum Access Requirement

For Canadian Academics

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