Jump-start your research by using one of the available SwiftMotes out of the box or customize it to suit your R&D needs. SwiftMote includes everything needed to sense the environment, store the data, and forward the information to a phone or PC using Bluetooth.
What’s Included
- TI CC2640 Bluetooth processor
- 128kB of Flash memory
- Light and temperature sensor
- Accelerometer
- Android app to receive and display data
- Custom low-power sensing
- Sensor-network research
- Machine monitoring
- Biomedical monitoring
- IoT for AI at the edge, sensor fusion
- A small, battery-powered mote
- Bluetooth connectivity
- Open design flow
- KiCad project file schematics, layout and Bill of Materials
- Software source code
SwiftMote – Electrochemical

What’s Included
- ST BlueNRG-LP Bluetooth processor
- 256kB of flash memory
- 64-bit unique ID
- Expansion ports with 4x 12-bit ADC and I2C
- Analog Devices AD5941 potentiostat amplifier with 16-bit ADC and 12-bit DAC
- Host PC application to record and process square-wave voltammetry data
- Electrochemical experiments
- Generic potentiostat interface for biomedical and gas sensing applications
- IoT for AI at the edge, sensor fusion.
Leveraging the solid foundation provided by the SwiftMote Platform, this electrochemical variant provides researchers with a battery-operated wireless sensor for electronic
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